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 Hawaii Nautical is one of Hawaii's largest ocean-activity providers, with a fleet of vessels islandwide serving many harbors across Oahu and the Big Island. We believe in delivering service, safety, and the spirit of Aloha.
   We respect the ocean and the ecosystem, and follow strict guidelines so that all marine mammals and wildlife are protected. And we honor the host-culture and support the local communities in which we operate.
  We want the natural environment you enjoy today to be here tomorrow, and for every tomorrow after.
   That’s why we are Hawaii’s first Dolphin Smart-recognized operator. NOAA’s Dolphin Smart educates guests about dolphin conservation and harassment and advises not to seek activities that pursue close interactions like swimming with dolphins in Hawaii in the wild.
  We also follow the guidelines of the Coral Reef Alliance, to establish lasting change and promote coral reef health around the world. That includes sustainable practices — such as no fish-feeding. Coral conservation aims to save these valuable ecosystems, unite communities and preserve cultural identity.
   We've been wowing guests of all ages for decades in Hawaii. While there's lots of excitement around our activities, we practice the highest level of safety in everything we do. We treat guests like ohana, the Hawaiian word for family that permeates everything we do.

whale watch hawaii

Departs: Kewalo Basin Harbor

1125 Ala Moana Blvd

Honolulu, HI 96814




   Available daily in-season, DECEMBER thru MARCH, aboard a sailing catamaran.

$75 adult/$50 child 3:00-4:30 p.m.

Optional shuttle $15

  Whales Guaranteed: If you don't see whales on any of our "WHALE WATCH"-specific trips, come back again 1 more time for free! (Rerides only, no refunds. Refund is on trip of equal or lesser value). Every December through March, thousands of Humpback whales migrate to the warm waters of Hawaii. Come along see catch these beautiful mammals at their best on our exciting eco-friendly whale watching excursions.  Whales are also likely to be seen, though are not guaranteed, on all of our daytime adventures including snorkeling trips.


WEST OAHU DEPARTURE 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. 

WAIKIKI DEPARTURE 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.

8.712% tax and harbor fee is added to all prices. Cancellation policy: 24-hour advance notice required for refund.